What is the Difference Between Primary and Permanent Molars Roots?

The molars of the primary teeth have the same number of roots as the permanent molars, but their crowns have a more bulbous morphology and the roots are more divergent. The buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces of the maxillary molars are all convex. Primary teeth are smaller and look whiter than permanent teeth due to their thinner enamel and dentin, making them more prone to wear and tear. They also have relatively large pulp chambers and small, delicate roots.

In contrast, permanent teeth can last a lifetime with proper care, and good oral care habits should begin as soon as possible. The permanent teeth will begin to appear when the child is around six years old and the jaw is big enough. While a baby's first teeth are usually the front, upper, or lower teeth, the first permanent teeth to emerge are the molars. While the primary teeth will be replaced in time, it's important to have good oral care for both the primary and permanent teeth. The 12 adult molars sprout (grow on the gums) behind the primary teeth and do not replace any, for a total of 32 teeth.

They are made up of four molars (“first” and “second” molars) and two wisdom teeth (also called “third molars”). In adult dentition (the second set of teeth), the 8 primary molars are replaced by premolar (or bicuspid) teeth. Therefore, adult dentition consists of four incisors, two canines, four premolars and six molars in each mandible. It is important to understand the differences between primary and permanent molars in order to ensure proper oral care for both sets of teeth. Good oral hygiene habits should be established early on in order to ensure healthy teeth for life.

Eloise Cuttitta
Eloise Cuttitta

Friendly twitter evangelist. Subtly charming bacon ninja. Award-winning web fan. Typical zombie specialist. Evil music aficionado.