What are Bicuspid Teeth and How Do They Differ from Other Teeth?

The bicuspids are the teeth that lie between the molars and the canine teeth. They have two cusps, which gives them their name. If you count from the back of your mouth forward, your two bicuspids will be the fourth and fifth teeth on each side, upper and lower. Every adult has eight bicuspid teeth to help chew. Premolars, also known as bicuspids, are permanent teeth that lie between the molars in the back of the mouth and the canine teeth (cusps) in the front.

They are transitional teeth, exhibiting characteristics of both canines and molars, which help to cut and move food from the front teeth to the molars for chewing. There are four premolar teeth in each dental arch: upper and lower. Bicuspid teeth have two cusps, or “bi” points, meaning “two”, and “cusps”, which refer to the points on the crown of the tooth. To maintain healthy bicuspids for many years, it is essential to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for professional cleaning services. Everyone gets bicuspid teeth in their early teens, and they are the first permanent teeth to come out after the primary teeth.

This is what has led to the term “premolar”, although bicuspid is by far the more common name of the two. The premolar teeth, with the exception of the first upper bicuspid or maxilla, usually have only one root. If you experience pain or other issues with your bicuspid teeth, it is important to speak with a dentist right away to take appropriate steps.

Eloise Cuttitta
Eloise Cuttitta

Friendly twitter evangelist. Subtly charming bacon ninja. Award-winning web fan. Typical zombie specialist. Evil music aficionado.