Do Premolars or Bicuspids Serve the Purpose of Chewing and Grinding Up Food?

Also called bicuspids, the premolars are located between the canines and the molars (the teeth at the back of the mouth).

Premolar teeth have characteristics of both canines and molars

. They help you break, shred and grind food into smaller pieces. Premolars are used to chew and grind food.

Adults have four premolars on each side of the mouth, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw. There are no primary premolars; the first premolars appear around age 10, and the second premolars arrive about a year later. These occupy the places of the first and second primary molar (described below). The mouth plays a vital role in keeping the body healthy.

It provides a gateway for food consumption. Every organ in the mouth plays an important role in the consumption of food to facilitate digestion. The teeth are one of the important organs in the mouth. They are broadly classified as incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

The incisors and canines help cut and tear food into smaller pieces. Once the food is broken down, it is chewed before swallowing. The premolars and molars play a vital role in the grinding and chewing process. The one closest to the midline is the first premolar and the one farthest from the midline is the second premolar.

Primary molars, also known as deciduous molars, appear between 12 and 28 months and are replaced by the first and second premolars (four upper and four lower) described above. However, as our jaws get smaller and our food becomes easier to chew, wisdom teeth are generally not needed. By brushing up on your dental health knowledge, you'll be taking the first step toward giving your teeth the care they deserve. The third molars are the largest teeth and are designed, like the molars, to help grind and chew food properly.

Often, the first premolar is the tooth that is removed in orthodontic procedures to make room for crowded teeth to move into place.

Bicuspid teeth have two cusps

, or “bi” points, meaning “two”, and “cusps”, which refer to the points on the crown of the tooth. Premolars, or bicuspids, serve an essential purpose in our mouths - they help us chew our food! These teeth are located between our canines and molars at both sides of our mouths - two on top and two on bottom - with no primary premolars present. Premolar teeth have characteristics of both canines and molars which allow them to break down, shred, and grind food into smaller pieces for easier digestion.

The first premolar is closest to our midline while our second premolar is farthest from it. Primary molars appear between 12-28 months old but are eventually replaced by our first and second premolars when we reach 10-11 years old. As our jaws get smaller over time due to evolution, wisdom teeth become unnecessary for chewing purposes. Third molars are considered to be our largest teeth which help us grind up food properly before swallowing it.

In some cases, orthodontic procedures may require removal of a first premolar in order to make room for crowded teeth to move into place. Bicuspid teeth have two cusps or points on their crowns which allow them to effectively chew up food before it enters our digestive system.

Eloise Cuttitta
Eloise Cuttitta

Friendly twitter evangelist. Subtly charming bacon ninja. Award-winning web fan. Typical zombie specialist. Evil music aficionado.