Do I Need a Dental Crown After a Root Canal?

After a root canal, a dental filling may be enough to restore the tooth. However, if the front tooth has been discolored due to decay, a crown should be placed for aesthetic purposes. Do I really need a crown? A dental crown is often necessary after an endodontic procedure is performed on a tooth that once had a dental filling. The filling may have been necessary due to a splinter, fracture, or severe tooth decay.

In addition, if the tooth with a root canal is used frequently, then a dental crown is essential for restoration. A dental crown or cap is placed over the top of a tooth to restore shape and support function. Crowns are generally recommended after a root canal, to repair a broken tooth, or in place of a large filling. Furthermore, a crown helps cover aesthetic imperfections, such as discoloration or an irregularly shaped tooth.

A crown can also protect the structure of the jaw and face. After endodontic treatment, if your tooth requires a crown, you'll have to spend more time at the dentist and the entire process will take about an hour. If the crack or decay is minor on the surface, they can sometimes be filled with resin instead of needing a full dental crown. The seriousness of the rupture or decay caused by the root canal in the first place is an important factor to consider when placing a dental crown. Endodontics is a dental procedure in which an endodontist or dentist accesses the center of a tooth to eliminate an infection.

If the affected tooth is one of the molars, premolars, or grinding teeth, you'll definitely need a dental crown. However, know that root canal therapy is intended to relieve pain and prevent future infections and damage to the tooth. If the crack or decay on the surface is minor, it can sometimes be filled with resin instead of requiring a full dental crown. To strengthen the affected tooth, it's important to get a dental crown or other permanent restoration after endodontic treatment. However, a root canal can affect the strength of the tooth and weaken it, and you may need something to hold it in place such as a dental crown.

The tooth surface becomes more vulnerable to infection and contamination after an endodontic procedure. Bruxism can weaken perfectly healthy teeth; imagine what it can do to a hollowed-out tooth. However, a crown may not be practical when dental integrity is compromised by severe tooth decay or gum disease. Dental crowns are usually the final step in many endodontic treatments, but even so, many wonder if they are necessary. Over time, bacteria can reach the inner layers of the teeth - dentin (dense tissue under enamel) and pulp (the gel-like center that contains nerves and blood vessels).

People who grind and clench their teeth (bruxism) will likely need a dental crown after root canal treatment.

Eloise Cuttitta
Eloise Cuttitta

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